Details of Strategic Planning Services

We help a group of people through a process to achieve a plan. The plan can be a strategic plan, or a project plan. The term project plan covers any plan designed to bring about change.
Many efforts designed to bring about change will require that the group which will be  involved with or affected by the change understand the need for and advantages of the proposed change.
The change could be a simple as moving a department from one part of a facility to another or as complex as resolving inter-departmental responsibility issues .
We help our clients select the most appropriate process. For example; SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) or OOPP (Objectives Oriented Project Planning) or Future Search.
We guide clients through the process using a set of tools and techniques usually referred to as facilitation or moderation. 
Facilitation in this context means to help a group of people through a process with the full participation of the group members.
For a more complete discussion of facilitation and it's advantages see Team Techniques.  If you want to have trained facilitators on your company staff, see Make Meetings Work.
There are several reasons to have a facilitative meeting.
One reason is that facilitator  can select the most suitable process to solve the perceived problem and keep the group focused on the task of working through the process. Also the facilitator has experience of leading groups through a particular process such as SWOT or OOPP.
Also the facilitator is familiar with the many problems that can result from inappropriate behavior in a group and help the group to deal with those problems.
An external facilitator is seen to be a neutral party and can reduce the likelihood of s small number of people dominating the meeting. Often the chairman is an important person in the organization and this can result  in reducing the level of participation in a meeting. Some of the more reticent participants are intimidated to the point of not contributing. Often for a variety of reasons  the chairman will hurry things along in order to "get a decision".     There are numerous other problems with traditional meetings. For a more complete description, see Team Techniques.
We can facilitate your meetings.  You will find them more productive.

Key Benefits


Capability 1
We assist you in planning your strategic or project planning meetings
Capability 2
We provide the equipment and facilitate your strategic and project planning meetings for you
Capability 3
We provide a "photographic" hard copy record of the results of your meetings. This saves the time sometimes  consumed by "correcting the minutes of the last meeting"
Capability 4
If required, we will run follow up meetings to keep your plan "on track".